How Can Video Reflection Support Culturally Responsive Teaching? We Asked Zaretta Hammond (The Learning Counsel)

If you are an educator committed to culturally responsive teaching, you likely know Zaretta Hammond.

Zaretta is the expert and author of Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain, and we’ve highlighted her insights about what culturally responsive teaching even is and the neuroscience behind CRT.

What may not be common knowledge, however, is how video reflection can be key to culturally responsive practices.

Edthena founder and CEO Adam Geller shared what he learned from Zaretta Hammond in this The Learning Counsel article. Here is some of what Zaretta said about how video reflection can support culturally responsive teaching:

Educators have to internalize an understanding of what should be happening in the classroom. Then, when they look at a video of their instruction, they can do their own gap analysis.

Take talking for example: we know too often teachers are talking the majority of the time. We also know we really want to shift that to have students do the majority of the talking. This is because whoever is doing the talking is typically doing the learning.

Video helps educators check to see if their own sense of how much they are talking is in line with what’s actually happening in class. In my work with teachers over the years, there’s always a moment when they say, “Why didn’t I shut up? Hmm, did I really go on that long?” In one’s own mind it never completely follows what you see on video.

With video, educators now have a powerful tool to move closer to being equity-focused educators. Video helps enable them to start to shift, and pay attention in a way that changes classroom dynamics.

Find the full article at The Learning Counsel: How Can Video Reflection Support Culturally Responsive Teaching? We Asked Zaretta Hammond

Want to watch more interviews with the CRT expert? You can find all of our interviews with Zaretta Hammond here

And how can educators reflect on video of their instruction for improved teaching practices? Check out our AI Coaching platform for teacher self-reflection.

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